2025 ASEAN Meetings: Penang JBPM Emphasises Fire Safety At Delegate Hotels
BATU KAWAN, Feb 4 (Bernama) -- The Penang Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) is conducting inspections at hotels to ensure high fire safety standards during meetings held under the 2025 ASEAN-Malaysia Chairmanship when foreign delegates will be staying in the state.
Penang JBPM director Mohamad Shoki Hamzah said the review is to underline the safety of delegates staying at dedicated hotels throughout ASEAN conferences.
“Malaysia will be hosting ASEAN conferences and key meetings this year, including in Penang, so it is the responsibility of Penang JBPM to ensure that hotel accommodations for delegates are of international safety standards.
“Indeed, hotels in Penang are always in compliance with established safety standards, but for the conferences, we will inspect dedicated hotels to reassure delegates of fire safety at the highest level,” he said.
He was speaking after the 2025 Penang JBPM annual parade at its headquarters here today.
Bernama previously reported that Penang will host 13 major meetings during the 2025 ASEAN-Malaysia Chairmanship, involving discussions at the working, senior official and ministerial levels conducted by seven ministries.
Among the meetings already held in Penang were the 102nd ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Meeting and the 25th Joint Council Meeting from Jan 15-17, while the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) is scheduled for June.
In addition, he said Penang JBPM will also conduct hotel safety awareness campaigns among guests to assure them of safety standards.
“So as guests check into hotels, we might have some advertisements related to fire safety protocol, and so far, we find that the majority of hotels in this state are already in high safety mode,” he said.